The IronSworn Companion

A comprehensive react companion app for the Ironsworn RPG

Ironsworn is a tabletop RPG created by Shawn Tomkin. What makes Ironsworn unique is that unlike traditional tabletop RPGs, Ironsworn enables solo/ small-group play, as its unique game mechanics remove the need for a traditional game master.

I was really inspired by Shawn's work and wanted to create a digital companion - #paperless -. The original intention was to create a Digital character sheet, which had the same look and feel as the character sheet in the book. One thing led to another and I ended up creating a complete companion, with ways to track game mechanics, enemies, assets, adventures and even mark locations on a map. With feedback from the Ironsworn community, I developed several quality of life improvements including a rich markdown editor for creating journals, Google Drive support and several editors to create custom themed games, based on the Ironsworn mechanics.

The look and feel of the book was retained throughout and I feel really meets my aims for this project.

Comparison of Print vs. Digital Character Sheet


Comparison of Print vs. Digital Assets


I also added some unique features to leverage the power of digital technologies.

  • I developed a custom game icon picker for cards:


  • I created print-only CSS profiles to enable customs assets to be printed for pen-and-paper play.


  • I added a custom map to enable more visual location tracking


  • I added a rich markdown journal for writing the story of the campaign


  • I added mobile support with custom CSS profiles


  • I also added Google Drive support. This was added because the app uses browser localStorage. However, Apple are somehow allowed to limit third party browsers (more than they already do by making the have to use Safari as a base!!!), by disabling downloading of dynamically generated Binary Large Object files.


This app grew legs way beyond what I had anticipated, but I am so glad it did. I really love this project and I am pleased with how it turned out and it really made me grow to love the React workflow.

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